I was fortunate enough to head up to Chateau Elan to photograph Kellie and Anthony's wedding. The wedding was originally planned for Hilton Head, but the hurricane had other plans! The group had to pull of a wedding with only three days to plan, and I think they did an excellent job! They were so much fun to work with, here are some shots of the evening:

Getting ready!

Cute shoes!

I thought this was a cool shot of the bride's sister waiting for the ceremony.

Father and bride walking down the aisle.

The ceremony was very small and intimate, the afternoon sun put off some beautiful light.

After the ceremony.

The girls made their own bouquets, I think they did a pretty fine job!

A little bit of sibling silliness.

The two Kellies (sp?)

What a beautiful bride!

What a fun couple!

Yummy little cake!